
The 2012 Grand Rapids NMRA Convention
This year's NMRA Convention and National Train Show are being held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is north of Chicago and just enough east to be in the Eastern time zone instead of the Central, as Chicago is.
Getting here was a comedy of airlines that I won't go into, aside from saying that I spent 20 hours Monday and Tuesday in airports and on airplanes and I was very happy to be reunited with my luggage when I returned to my hotel this evening after dinner.

Sad day
Our local train club sent out a notice that Keith Edwards, co-founder of Kadee, has passed away. He was very active locally and helped set up the Medford Oregon railroad park. Even though he was retied, he will be missed.
See for the formal announcement.
George Booth
Director of Everything, The New Great Western Railway

Industry Update from CMT
Hello Alan
I would like to give you an update on the state of the model train industry.
Industry Update
The hobby is in a manufacturing turmoil, due to a lack of production capacity now.
There is no question; you have seen the delays from virtually all manufacturers. Pick any manufacturer’s name and their products are delayed. Why you ask? There are several reasons.
The Upper Spine
The lower deck is built of what I call the backbone of the layout 3 4x1 with plywood sandwiched in between them. The Backbone is the anchor for the peninsula. The spine sits directly above the Backbone.
The Upper spine is a 6" x 10' long section of wood that sits on top of Oak Uprights. Every thing is tied together with Metal - T that will have lag bolts running thought the web of the spine.

Size vs. prototype fidelity
I have noticed an interesting trend, and I'd love to know if anybody has a good explanation for it. There seems to be an inverse relationship between the scale of a model and the level of prototypical accuracy and detail it has. Obviously there are exceptions, but I rarely see an HO scale diesel which is not pretty darn close to perfect, at least in the basic shape of the body (except for the old Athearn wide bodies, but even those are getting rarer). By contrast, it seems quite common to see a very generic looking diesel on a 5" or 7.25"/7.5" railroa
The Helix
The Helix...
Every 180' each set of tracks gets a feeder. I used short drywall screws to hold the sections together. No Glue.

Getting started with $500 MRH contest
MRH will be debuting a contest in the August issue: Getting started in the hobby with $500. What would you do - how far can you get on $500? You don't actually need to spend the money (we won't stop you if you want to), but you need to at least lay out a plausible shopping list and design for what you would build.
More details to follow on this thread and in the August issue of MRH.
Gila Springs & Mesquite Track plans
This is the GS&M track plan for now. I do not have the transition level or the staging yard track plan shown. both not very exciting to look at. We do have Red Mesa Mine and Knot Mine on the transition level as it pass around Noose aka Transition level.
The 2 track Main Helix runs from the stage yard located under the lower level up to La Grange. The Main Helix is used for getting trains in and out of staging and can be back filled with trains during operations. Inner loop is down, outer loop is up.

The HOBBY called Model Railroading and Rules of Conduct on the MRH Forums and Magazine
After reading the posts of a number of our forum members if appears they have the wrong Idea as to what a hobby is and what Hobby means.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines "Hobby" as a favorite pursuit outside ones main work pursuit.
It doesn't say one word about it has to be Prototypical.
It doesn't say one word about it has to be Free lanced.
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