
MRH Webcam Chat Sessions...
I thought I would kick of this thread after some discussion on another thread regarding MRH members starting a online webcam chat community.
As I mentioned I have already had an iChat (Apple Chat system) with Richard (rfbranch), it was an enjoyable 4 hours of discussing each others layouts, sharing of ideas and seeking thoughts from each other. It was also mentioned by Joe that with internet advances in the future, we may see MRH adopting this as part of their website.
digital cameras
I dont know where this belongs. I am going to purchase a digital camera. I want to take fotos of my modeling and submit them to MRH. I also want to send pics to my son. What cameras do you use? I have a budget of about $100-$150. I have an old Pentax slr film camera with a some nice lenses,but like 8-tracks and vhs tapes,its not worth 10% of what I paid for it. Any suggestions would wellcome.
Thanks, John

Atlas Model RR forum is closing
I'm not a member of the forum, but I do occasionally find references to discussions there when looking for information. I am glad to read that Atlas wants to dedicate their resources to developing new products, and look forward to what they come up with.
Also, maybe that will mean more people over here! Good for Atlas, good for MRH, good for everybody.

Contact your local hobby manufacturer
For many years, I have been a model railroad consumer. By that I mean that I would see a product I liked and buy it. My relationship with the manufacturers has been very simple - they make what they think they can sell, and I buy it if I think I want it.

Modeling Excellence - Miniaturization
Well now - can you model this small? In the eye of a needle?
I have painted molded figures in N scale somewhat well, but this person really "takes the cake". He sculpts AND paints - 1:5000 ? - 1:10000 ? molecular paint thickness ?
To see his work, visit his gallery:
Weekend Photo Fun 4-13 to 4-15
Ok here it is again! Post your recent layout pictures or projects. Let's see who's doing what out there......
just two questions
Hi Guy's
I'm new here and just getting back in Model Railroading and have two questions;
1. Is there some sort of lay-out designing software for Mac?
2. The H0N2 theme's are interesting me more and more. However I was not able yet to find websites/manufactures of this gauge. Any tip would be welcome.
<EDIT> Sorry I goofed up. I meant H0N30. Like in Bob Haydens Carrabasset & Dead River <EDIT>

Article Submission Process- from a Rookie
Given the current discussions on the forum regarding article submissions, I thought it might be helpful to see the process from the perspective of someone who recently put together an article. This was my first attempt at writing an article for publication in anything, and I had very little experience at taking digital photographs.
Our hobby and Boy Scouts
As many of you know, the Boy Scouts has a Railroading Merit Badge.
I am curious of how many of you are or have been Scouts?
I am a Eagle Scout and currently my sons Den Leader for his Cub Pack. Currently on staff for upcoming Woodbadge Training and most district events that come along...
So MRH friends, any other Scouts that share the hobby? Maybe even a few Girl Scouters too?
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