
Making Your Club Commuter Friendly
In a changing world, one may find that what was once community is becoming more centralized. You would think that as we continue to add people to our sprawling communities there would be more jobs. You would think that more entertainment choices would be waiting for you so joining a club couldn't be easier because there would be so much diversification out there just waiting for you.
The Split Helix is going in and the start of the Main Helix (Basin & Green Valley)
The end of the stage yard that feeds the entire layout.

iPad use on this site
On another thread, a fellow commented that his iPad screwed up the formatting of his post.
I am using an iPad for this post.
Here's how to get paragraph spacing.
The Safari version on the iPad doesn't support HTML editing.
When you are postng, press the INPUT FORMAT line below the posting window. Then select MESSAGING PLAIN TEXT.

What I have been missing.
Hobbyist Railroad Magazines Web Site that's what.
I have been receiving the Hobbyist Magazine since it started. I never ever check out it's web site until yesterday.
I will be playing catchup for a while going back and reading various forums some other content.
I think I'm going to enjoy this.
See ya
Switchman AKA: Ron
The Willoughby Line - New Layout website
Fellow Modelers,
I thought some of you might enjoy my new site about my layout:
It took awhile, but I think I fixed all the bugs.
Thanks for looking,
Demise of the Hobby Shops -part deux
Just saw this on CNN yesterday. Seems it's finally not just Hobby Shops that are suffering from on-line merchandising.

Dissapointed in MR
Are my expectations too high or did MR really bomb this month? I read it cover to cover and then realized I didn't learn a single thing. Not even the tiniest of detail tidbit of new knowledge. That's sad for a reader who has only been back in the hobby for 2 years after a 40 year lapse.
MRH, you have ruined me with your excellent articles. C'mon MR, pick it up a bit please.
MRH challenge - a few small trees
If you look at a stand of evergreens at the edge of a cutblock, you see a lot of grey(ish) more or less bare trunks, and some branches and foliage at the top. If the clear area was logged off a while ago there'll be all sorts of small bushes and deciduous trees growing up. I decided to see if I could reproduce this effect at a distance with a minimum of detailed tree construction. Here's the result of a couple of evenings work. Each "tree"&nbs
E. St.Louis Rail Group Layout
To All: Progress on layout--Installed a new billboard featuring Cheerwine Diet Soda (est. 1917) and
installed a barber wire fenced in field. Larry and I ran four trains.
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