Thinking Medford in May - query
The PNR/PCR convention is coming up May 2-5 in Medford OR, and I've given some thought to attending, mainly because a good part of the trip can be done via Amtrak. It turns out the Coast Starlight reaches Klamath Falls at 2150, so I'm wondering what there is in the way of bus service to Medford at that time of night.
Anyone out there who can pass on some local knowledge?
New to Omaha area
I am new to the Omaha area, coming from the east coast about a month ago. Can anyone tell me what the good hobby shops are to visit, where there might be train layouts on display, and if/when a train show comes to the area and where?
Thank you,

This link will take you to the page on the NMRA web site that down the right side has individual web pages, clubs through out US and much more.
Good way to find someone in your area that is into model trains.
Shopping for models by era.
Have you all ever wondered why you cannot shop online for a freight or passenger car by era? I think this would make peoples shopping easier. Also people wouldn't have to try to read build dates on a small photo. Where do you go and how many people would it take to get a change like this to happen?
Kanamodel structures
Anybody had any experience with Kanamodel CP or CN structures?
CN Alco/MLW C630M or M630 Prototype Photos
Hey Folks,
I'm looking for some prototype photos of a CN Alco C630M or MLW M630, with the CN Zebra Stipes, the dirtier the better.
I've been requisitioned to weather the new Bowser HO unit for a customer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
E. St. Louis Rail Group
To All: This is a new blog. My name is Elvin Howland from Jacksonville, Florida (previously, Manton, Michigan). I run a business called Layout Concepts. I sell scratch built, kit bashed and kit built kits, paint and letter freight cars and build train layouts. I have a Facebook page called layout concepts that features my work in various categories. My layout is an HO scale double deck one that measures 11' by 21' and is controlled by a Digitrax system. I model 1950-1970 on the layout. The area modeled is E. St. Louis, Illinois.

Rail Yard Models to cease business.
From the Rail Yard Models Facebook and webpages:

Easy Model Railroad Inventory Tip #1 Favorite Pictures
There is a section of Easy Model Railroad Inventory named Favorites where you can save the Internet path to your favorite sites and categorize the pictures on your hard drive. I am working on a new building for my layout and wanted it to look really good. There were details that needed to be added that I knew nothing about. The back walls of buildings, scuppers, gas and electric meters, dumpsters. I went to my friend the Internet and Google Images in particular. I found a lot of pictures.
"Shoo-fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
Ever since reading John Armstrong's Track Planning for Realistic Operations I've been intrigued by his drawing of a "shoofly" (page 123, 3rd ed.). It's a simple scene of track diverted over a fill while a crew repaired / rebuilt a bridge over a small stream, yet contained the possibility of multiple "stories" within the scene (not only the work on the rails, but the land just outside of railroad property: orchards, farms, roads, forests, etc.)
So I designed a 2'x6' "Shoofly" module:
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