
See what I found today....

.... but as is rather long will be in the next post. Hold your breath!.

Mountaingoatgreg's picture

Weekend Photo Fun WPF 9/8-9/9

Well it is another Weekend Photo Fun!!

Lets see if we can get at least 20 posts this weekend!!


DON'T KNOW HOW TO POST AN IMAGE? Watch this video to see how ...

Bob Langer's picture

Announcing Easy Model Railroad Inventory Update Version 6.0

Version 6 of Easy Model Railroad Inventory has just been released. The following describes the additional functions and how to download the program.

Buildings arrive on the Gila Springs & Mesquite


The La Grange engine service tracks and caboose track are starting to get some use.


View of La Grange with Tortilla Flats and Gila Springs in the back ground.


The other end of the La Grange Industrial Park yard.

Ferroclub Escala N de M.

Some videos of our Club scale N in Mexico, modules T-trak. Sesion 6.



Strip and Paint Loco body Letters

I'm going to strip and paint this 1951 Lionel Union Pacific loco but I have no idea how to repaint the raised plastic molded letters.  Where the paint is it seems to be a "trench" with sides forming the letters Union Pacific.  Has anyone had any experience in filling these "letter trenches" in with paint?  I need a How-to...101 lesson.

KilkennyRR's picture

My Layout is Bugging Me

Yup, my layout has bugs.  Little tiny bugs.   I live in the North East and my layout is in the basement.   I noticed that my layout has little tiny bugs (smaller than a nat) they don't seem to fly though.  I found them crawling in the static grass and on the ballast.   I try to keep the train room clean, dry, and well ventilated.   I dispose of all cardboard and even paint the bench work (both sides) to keep exposed wood.

Any ideas about getting rid of them?  

La Grange gets some track & Tortilla Flats gets surveyed


GS&M crews march on...

After the 1st set of track goes into place a Trio of C-630 pulls a tank train from staging up and out of the main Helix.


You can see how the main works it way out of the Helix and into La Grange.  The Alcos are on what will become the A/D tracks for La Grange.

N scale model railroad: How much is it worth?


I'm interested in an appraisal of my layout by a fellow model railroader. If anyone has any idea what it's worth, let me know!

Here are some pictures:

Any info would be great!

Here's the description:

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