Must have a battery in the tender, This thing still runs over bad track.
If only HO ran so well, Proto 87?
Broken Rail Test Video
Adding a link to MRH on my facebook wall
I remember this has been discussed before, but I am still somewhat computer challenged and can't find it. I don't go to facebook much and just added MRH as a friend.
I was thinking I could add a link and a MRH banner to my facebook page, but don't know how to do it. I remember once on one of the forum posts someone showed how to copy one of the MRH banners and where they are found, but I can't find them now.

I am looking for a few people in the North East Indiana to exchange layout visits with and maybe some op sessions. I am getting close to being able to run a small op session on my layout and am hoping to get a few ideas on what might work. I have read all the methods in the mag's but have never actually done one. I am a euro railroader but I don't see that this would make any difference, an industry is an industry and a station is still a station only the trains and buildings look a little different. My RR is HO steam based Era I-III and DCC using Easy DCC.

One man's SPAM is another man's ?????
Just a question on what happens to a post that I may have checked as being what I thought would be SPAM?
About 10 minutes ago there was a post about handbags and I marked it as Spam. I know the MODS will look at that and if it is deemed to not be Spam it will be 'unchecked'. If not does the post remain 'invisible' to everyone reading the posts?
EBay Buyers Beware (MTH item)
I recently purchased one of MTH’s new FA-1’s on E-Bay. It arrived within just a few days with the unopened Made in China cardboard box packed within the shipping box. When I finally got the engine unpacked, I noticed that the front coupler was broken. This was one of their new automatic couplers that can be operated from your controller.

iPad a go-go!
I used to have a Kindle Fire that my wife got me for our wedding anniversary. I say "used to have" because once I loaded some games on it she kidnapped it and I only get to see it if she's sleeping. I was using it to read MRH among other things and liked not having a "Lugtop" on my lap.

Amherst Railway Club's Railroad Hobby Show
Okay... Amherst is big. You kind of come to grips with that about building #3....out of 4.
It's almost midnight here and I don't even have all of the photos from today edited down - you're going to get what I have in sort of a free association thing. I was just snapping stuff I thought looked good or interesting, taking pictures without necessarily taking names....
So, starting in the comments, here we go....
Railfest in North Platte NE
Has anyone been to Railfest in North Platte, NE?
I'm thinking of going to the next one in September 2012.
What should I expect, and not expect? Any tips would be appreciated.
I am probably going to make a trip before then just to see the Bailey Yard without big crowds.

On the advice of a club member, I went in search of an electronics shop yesterday for supplies needed to help convert my older engines to DCC. Not being well versed in electronics, I use a association memory tool to ask for things I am not familiar with; thus, on arriving at the shop, the conversation went like this:
" I'm here on the advice of a friend and need some 'Eric Claption' tape."
" We don't carry anything like that; this is an electronics parts store.
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