
Bob Langer's picture

Steps for Structure Building

Being a programmer I learned long ago that tasks must be done step by step, in order. So I am going to attempt to share my experiences completing a fairly good sized area of my layout that parallels the mainline track. There will be a number of structures on both sides of the street,

David Calhoun's picture

Thanks Everyone!

What a great day! The "Greater Nickel Plate" lives - - we have a DCC power pack and controller; DCC decoders for the engines; track; power cleaner for engine wheels; new Nickel Plate Society Magazines to read; a new Nickel Plate T-Shirt for my birthday (Thank you, Peggy); and an assortment of other goodies I needed to work on the railroad.

rickwade's picture

Open House at the Richlawn Railroad for the Piedmont Pilgrimage

This past Saturday October 15th was my open house on the Piedmont Pilgrimage model railroad tour.  The tour started on the 15th and I was the very first layout on the tour.  This year there was one less railroad in the area as George Potter passed away and we lost his excellent layout which featured over 400 feet of double mainline.  George was a great person and wonderful modeler.  Since my layout is one of the greatest distance from the Atlanta area I didn't know what to expect for the number of visitors as it's over an hours drive for most people.

JMRI File Extraction

Hi  Guys

I recently upgraded my PC and I need to retrieve my  JMRI roster from my old one, not having much luck so far.

 Can anyone advise me  how? and keep it simple,   Regards Tom....................

rickwade's picture

Warning - Dangerous saw technique on making throttle pockets

Below is a quote from Joe Fugate on the throttle pocket thread and I thought that is was important enough to have it's own thread so it was "buried" in the original thread.  When using any cutting tool be sure to keep your fingers (and anything else you don't want cut off) a safe distance from the blade.  When necessary use "push sticks" or clamps to hold the work in place.

"It's come to our attention that the video showing this pocket making technique demos hazardous practices using a chop saw.

rickwade's picture

New FREE MP3 background sounds - downtown city sound added to Richlawn RR site

If you're using MP3 players for background sound (see the August MRH magazine article) and would like another free downtown city sound file, click on the link below.  The file is 15 minutes long, 14mb and has ambient background sound, cars, trucks, kids playing, dogs barking, and other various other sounds.  This is the second of (4) four downtown sound files that I have and use on my railroad.  I'll be posting others later.  I created the files myself using totally free sounds so that there are no license issues.  You are free to use and distribute them.

rickwade's picture

Slide conversion - now a believer!

7-12-12 Editing this to bump it up as there has been discussion about slide scanners / scanning.  RW


DKRickman's picture

RPM era

I've noticed something interesting about RPM meets.  Both the ones I've attended and the ones I've seen documented seem very heavily slanted toward the modern era.  I'd like to hear opinions on why.  Not that I'm complaining, just a curious observation.  I've heard that the most popular era to model is (was?) the transition era, because it is seen as the heyday of US railroading, and it allows lots of interesting rolling stock and motive power to co-exist.

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