
RPM West Coast Photos

This year, as with RPM Naperville in October of 2010, Joe DElia (of Proto Pwer West/Aline/New Rail Models fame) took charge of the Western Prototype Modelers meet, and rebranded it as RPM West Coast.

The meet looked allot more crowded this year then years past, with the usual West Coast companies present, Exactrail, BLMA Models, Railmaster Hobbies, Aline, Athearn (to a small extent), and Details West.  Also included were a few other small companies.

rickwade's picture

Does anybody know? If so, you could make a fortune!

Does anybody know the answer to this question?:

After a train with the same cars has gone through the same area on the same track over 150 times, why on trip 151 does one of the cars derail (in a straight section of track)? An inspection of track, cars.....everything  reveals no problems.  Oh, and of course if I run the same train over the same track again it doesn't derail - but perhaps on trip 177 a different car derails in a different area!

rickwade's picture

Introducing the NCIOG

I'd like to introduce the NCIOG - North County Interchange Operating Group.  The North County Interchange Operating Group is a model train club focused on the construction and operation of our own personal home layouts.  One of the things I really like about the group is it's "loose" rules - here's a sampling:

Bob Langer's picture

Easy Model Railroad Inventory version 4.2 Release

Version 4.2 09/09/2011
1. Added field Pulling Capacity to locomotive record.
2. Added Favorite Internet Sites procedures.
3. Added Favorite Pictures procedure to organize pictures located on your hard drive.
4. Added print screen function to rolling stock update window.
5. Added print screen function to locomotive update window.
6. Added print screen function to library update window.
7. Added print screen function to part update window.
8. Added print screen function to structure update window.

The Train Room aka The Mother in law room.

The Train Room aka The mother in law room.  This room is 11.5' x 19.5' built on the back patio of the house.  The owner before me used it as an art studio.  I used it for storage at the time of the photos.  The room has no climate control and 2 doors with 2 types of windows on the East (Glass Door Sliding Door) and West (Normal Door) walls.  The north wall (Finished at this time) is a 2x4 stud wall with the back yard on the other side.  The south wall is the the house (Cinder Block wall).  You can see the slope in the ceiling fr

rickwade's picture

Sunday Sillyness - Coming or going?

So, it's Sunday and I was sitting around reading the MRH forums when I thought with all of the talk about prototypical vs freelance that I'd post a picture of a loco I bought on ebay just for fun.

eBay Shopping

Joe has done a great job on explaining using eBay.  As a long time eBay buyer and seller I would like to emphasize:


Some eBay sellers/dealers consistently price items above the MSRP or "street price".  Other sellers describe items as "rare" or "hard to find" that are listed as "in stock" at online dealers or manufacturers sites.  Also, beware of auction fever bidding prices too high.

rickwade's picture

New FREE MP3 background sounds - downtown city sound added to Richlawn RR site

If you're using MP3 players for background sound (see the August MRH magazine article) and would like a free downtown city sound file, click on the link below.  The file is 15 minutes long, 14mb and has ambient background sound, cars, trucks, kids playing, dogs barking, and other various other sounds.  This is the first of (4) four downtown sound files that I have and use on my railroad.  I'll be posting others later.  I created the files myself using totally free sounds so that there are no license issues.  You are free to use and distribute them.

rickwade's picture

Totally free, or royalty free loco & train sounds?

I've been looking for sources of loco & train sounds to use with my videos to add realism much like Charlie's excellent videos.  Since I model the 1960's and 70's the loco sounds would need to be something that would be around during that timeframe.

I'd love to have "totally free" sound tracks that could be used without cost of license issues; however, I'm willing to purchase "royalty free" tracks if necessary.

Anybody know where I can find such tracks?  Thanks in advance.


LenTurner's picture

ScaleConverter.air download (MRH Issue 5 - Jan/Feb 2010) question

I had the Scale Converter (MRH issue 5 - Jan/Feb 2010) downloaded and installed on my PC. After a System Restore, I tried to open the original zip file from an external H/D backup to reinstall it. Now the zip file expands but wont install. Instead of installing, its tries to open with Windows Media player. Any hints or maybe where I might download a fresh copy of it?



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