ESU teases Onboard EQ on Loksound V5 : Matt H quoted on TMTV....
Dear MRHers, Matt H @ LokSound,
I've been pretty vocal previously about the ear-bleedingly obvious need for EQ in onboard sound decoders for some time now.

TMTV site troubles: was "TMTV Attacked - Be Careful"
The current TrainMasters website is having some weird redirect problems, suggesting some kind of hacking attack -- we're working on it. In the meantime, we do have a new TMTV website we've been working on and it does not have this issue. If you would like to get access to the new site, just request it here:
Select Move to the new site.
Mushroom Layouts --All at once or one deck at a time?
Joe Fugate & et al,
Casting no longer working
Has the ability to use chrome cast been removed? All I have listed as available is download. Casting to my TV is the greatest way to watch the TMTV shows.
Changing Major Directions from my Current Layout to a New One
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I started a blog in 2017 to document the creation of my Z scale Alpine layout (all Marklin locos and rolling stock with mixed products for just about everything else). You can see my posts at the end of this page.
I went with Z scale because I wanted to make the most of a layout in a limited space and I had bought some Marklin Z rolling stock, locos and track many years ago for "the day" I would start a layout.
Subscription expires with no notice - Solved (for now)
I received an email this morning advising me that my year-long subscription had expired. It is very surprising that I did not receive some sort of advance notice, say one or two weeks ahead of time, that this was imminent. It turns out that I haven't been using my membership much lately. Had I known it was about to expire I think I would have been more inclined to go back in and renew my familiarity/relationship with the content -- perhaps re-energizing me to re-up my subscription.

TrainMasters-TV Awesome!!
I am finally back to model railroading and excited. I sold my video editing company and am left with a wonderful 14' X 30' room to start a new layout. I am most excited to be using the TOMA concept. I feel like a real newbe getting back into this great hobby. I do not know anything about DCC or some of the newer building techniques, so I will be needing some help from you all!
I did sign up for TrainMasters-TV and have to say it is fantastic! I have been watching all of the episodes about TOMA and have already learned a bunch.
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I am asking the MHR community for some help in solving a problem I created with my choice of layout scenery. My layout was originally conceptualized 25 yrs ago as a much smaller layout with no intention of adding a backdrop or anything like that. I started this current version with the old idea then expanded it because I had the room to do so. Although I do plan on adding a backdrop at some point, I didn't take this into consideration when I stuck with the basics of how I originally thought the scenery would look.
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When I last posted I had just completed adding rocks to the newest section of my layout. I flew to CA for vacation on 12/27 and am still here now in LA on business until Feb. Of course that means I don't get to work on the layout but before I left I took a few more photos to share after I had colored all the remaining white plaster with Woodland Scenics earth pigment. It really makes a huge difference. Even without grass or trees the layout starts to look more realistic.
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