MRH eBooks

Make it run like a dream e-Books "Locomotives"
Hello, I ordered the 3 book series of "make it run like a dream" I already received the 2 previous e-books "Trackwork and Rolling Stock"; I was just wandering if someone knows what date is the "Locomotives" e-book due to come out.
Thank you.
Car weight: RP20.1 vs. NEM302
I've just bought "Make it run like a Dream: Rolling Stock". It's an excellent book and a "must have". I model Danish railways in the late 1960s (the very end of a very long steam-to-diesel transition period for the state railways), so not everything is relevant to my situation but there is more than sufficient meat to make the book a very good purchase.
The last chapter in the book on car weight is thought provoking, and as Joe Fugate suggested, likely to cause some controversy. So, let me add a footnote to the controversy.
Changing Major Directions from my Current Layout to a New One
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I started a blog in 2017 to document the creation of my Z scale Alpine layout (all Marklin locos and rolling stock with mixed products for just about everything else). You can see my posts at the end of this page.
I went with Z scale because I wanted to make the most of a layout in a limited space and I had bought some Marklin Z rolling stock, locos and track many years ago for "the day" I would start a layout.
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I am asking the MHR community for some help in solving a problem I created with my choice of layout scenery. My layout was originally conceptualized 25 yrs ago as a much smaller layout with no intention of adding a backdrop or anything like that. I started this current version with the old idea then expanded it because I had the room to do so. Although I do plan on adding a backdrop at some point, I didn't take this into consideration when I stuck with the basics of how I originally thought the scenery would look.
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When I last posted I had just completed adding rocks to the newest section of my layout. I flew to CA for vacation on 12/27 and am still here now in LA on business until Feb. Of course that means I don't get to work on the layout but before I left I took a few more photos to share after I had colored all the remaining white plaster with Woodland Scenics earth pigment. It really makes a huge difference. Even without grass or trees the layout starts to look more realistic.
Allagash Story Volumes 1-4
Just bought the Allagash Story volumes 1 through 4 for the unbelievable low cost of $29.99.
Let me tell you what an unbelievable bargain this set is. If you have hesitated on buying anything from the MRH store....DON'T... this is the 4th or 5th thing I have purchased and each and everyone has been a stellar bargain not to mention a plethora of absolutely priceless tips, techniques and information.
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Since my last post I had glued hydrocal rock castings to the mountains on the newer section and colored them after having glued the tunnel portals and retaining walls in place. The next set of photos shows the progress.
This is the newest section I mentioned in a previous post with the mountains and portals in place.
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Now that I have gone over most of the build for my layout up to present day (I will take pics of the newest table with the mountains and rock faces in place and post them soon), I thought I would show some of the details I have been working on like tunnel portals, bridges and structures. Since I didn't take any before pics of the portals or bridges before I painted/weathered them, I found pics online of what they look like out of the box.
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After fixing my problem with getting my locos up a 2% + grade (it was never consistent for the entire run) I then saw another aspect of my original plan that I never really loved. At that point I had my loco run up hill about 4 inches over the course of 8-10 feet or so but coming back down hill was done inside another tunnel on the opposite end of the layout in about 3 feet. Needless to say it was a steep hill downward though a few tests showed that locos would not fly off the track or even move that much faster so it was doable but I didn't love it.
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Due to the nature of my job I was unexpectedly out of work from last Christmas until te beginning of May which presented a wonderful opportunity to fill the cold winter days by working on my layout uninterrupted. In that time I feel like I achieved quite a lot on the layout construction itself as well as building structures and whatnot. Like most railroad modelers, I tend to get "on a track" of maybe wiring for a while then when I get bored I shift gears and build a structure or two or maybe work on scenery.
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