
rickwade's picture

"Dot" posts

O.K., I know that I'm curious, but I've seen a number of "dot" posts lately; that is, the post only has a "." and nothing else.  I know that this will kick off the marker as showing a new comments has been added to the post.  This is a great way to bring a previous post "up to the forefront" again.  Am I missing something?


Milwaukee Road - NW Modeler/history meet Sept. 24th & 25th

The 4th annual CRF Milwaukee Road modeler/history meet will be held on
September 24th & 25th at the Cedar River Watershed Education Facility in
North Bend, WA..
Saturday the 24th: Bring your models, any scale to display from 9:30 –
1:00.  Afternoon clinics will be presented by Doug Nighswonger, Mike
Faletti, Allen Miller and others.
Sunday the 25th: Clinics by Noel Holley, Allen Miller and Greg Lussier who
will be sharing his photos from his soon to be published book on the

Bob Langer's picture

Easy Model Railroad Inventory 4.0 Upgrade

Version 4.0 08/15/2011
1. Added a Digital Fast Clock under Operations > Scheduling.
2. Added a stop watch under utilities.
3. Add all functionality to maintain project planning.
4. Added 30 character Owner field to rolling stock and locomotives.
5. Car card length field now optional.
6. Car card capacity field now optional.
7. Car card door width now optional.
8. Car card built date now optional.
9. Car card rebuilt date now optional.
10. Car card optional fields turned off by default.

Model railroad products and availability....

Hello all....

I have been playing with trains to some degree since I was a little kid. And I remember when all of the manufacturers moved the construction and assembly jobs and opportunities to other countries like China etc.... But I have to say I feel this has come to bite us in the caboose. Further, this was predicted by many modelers back when the jobs first went over seas. Now the development of these products take a very long time to get to us. Further, the prices are no longer super cheap. The prices are going up and up and up.

RPM West Coast

The meet formerly known as Western Prototype Modelers, has been re-branded as RPM West Coast.  I'll be taking place Sept 17th 2011, in San Bernardino CA.

Bob Langer's picture

Experimental recent post

The filter on the experimental recent posts would be a nice addition. I would like to suggest adding an additional checkbox to NOT view the filter selection. IE not "Topic"

Bob Langer's picture

Easy Model Railroad Inventory Development Progress

Version 4.0  is being worked with a release expected about the end of the summer. I have added an Owner field to the rolling stock and locomotive records. One of my beta testers has his stuff and his wife has hers. It occurred to me that clubs might be able to better use Easy Model Railroad Inventory.

joef's picture

2011 National Model Railroad Clinic slide decks (Sacramento, CA)

Looking for the 2011 National Convention slide decks from Joe Fugate's or Charlie Comstock's Sacramento clinics?

Just go here: mrh-2011-08-Aug/bonus-extras ...

rickwade's picture

My head is spinning!

I've recently been informed that my open house date for the Piedmont Pilgrimage will be on October 15th - the first day of the event.  The Piedmont Pilgrimage is the annual tour of model railroads for the Piedmont Division of the NMRA and this year will have over 80 model railroads on the tour in the Atlanta, Georgia area that goes until late November.

jeffshultz's picture

X2011: National Train Show - Saturday Part II

Okay, I think my original post was getting a bit long, and since I still have a lot of photos to go... let's open up a second post. I'll begin with Bowser again - I got back to them later and got some close-ups of the C-630 and C-630M locomotives, along with their new Hi-Ad and Dofasco trucks:

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