
X2011: National Train Show - Saturday
Saturday was busy - I spent the first part of the day shooting the photos for the Lego layout post, along with several other layouts, and then in the afternoon we did several interviews - I remember interviewing BLMA, ExactRail, the La-Ba-Ja club that won first place in the layout category (they're from Edmonton, so that got Les Halmos all excited), and Bragdon Industries. I easily may have forgotten one or two.

X2011: Day 5 - Friday, the National Train Show begins
Yes, I know I'm posting this on Sunday - it's been a bit busy out here so this is likely to be a bit short.
Friday we didn't do any video interviews, preferring to get set up an discover what was at the show. I was very busy going back and forth between various manufacturers and our photo booth where Charlie Comstock turned models into 3D Click'n'Spin photographs.

X2011: The world according to Lego
I was asked to go take some photos of the Lego layouts here at the 2011 National Train Show. As I normally do, I went overboard....

X2011: National Train Show - Under Construction
We started "construction" of the MRH booth at the National Train Show on Thursday afternoon. Some vendors/manufacturers had been there since Wednesday, and some of the larger ones like Athearn and Walthers had theirs all set up and were gone by the time we got there.

X2011: Day 3, The Rocklin Rocket
Part of my day on Wednesday was spent on my first ever layout bus tour - I've done the LD-SIG tour before, but those are self-guided ones. I picked this tour for a couple reasons - it only took up one afternoon, so I didn't miss as many clinics as I would have on a full-day tour, and it was the cheapest as well.
Our first stop was at Scott Robertson's On30 Never Done and Always Changing:

X2011: Day 3, a busy Wednesday at the NMRA Sacramento Convention
Wednesday at X2011 was a busy day for me - before I really thought about it, I scheduled myself for a bus tour called "The Rocklin Rocket" - six local layouts in six hours, from 1pm to 7pm. The problem with that is that it meant I couldn't go on the Layout Design SIG tour. However, I think the rest of the MRH crew did, so hopefully you'll see the photos from those layouts in their posts. I also discovered when I got here that I'd "won" the lottery to attend a workshop on airbrushing by Scotty Mason - which started at 7pm.

X2011: The first couple of days
I had a nice little blog post ready to roll out last night.... and I hit the wrong key and blew it away. Serves me right for not following my own instructions in doing long posts in Notepad or some other text editor and then doing the cut n paste thing....
This morning I rewrote it... about 3 times as long as it was. This is going to take several follow-on comments. Now, for the blog entry:

Home Made Conifers Add Realistic Scenes
Hi Jack from Star, Idaho. A while back in a post I said I had torn out a great deal of my railroad simply because I didn't like it. Here are a few photos showing some of the rebuilt part and especially home made trees using furnace filter, dowels, and ideas from Joe's DVD's. I plan to show a lot more of my layout soon but this will give you an idea that I love the wooded regions of the Pacific Northwest. So far I have built dozens of the furnace filter trees and I find it rewarding to create different looks in each and every

X2011: Off to Sacramento!
We leave around 5:30am tomorrow morning... need to be there in time for Charlie Comstock's first clinic at 7:30pm on Avoiding the Pitfalls of Model Railroad Photography.
BTW - I just opened up my Guidebook app for X2011 and it told me there was an update available. I like this thing! See for more information on getting the X2011 Guidebook app for both Android an iPhone/iPad.
I'm ready - let's get to Sacramento!

That time of year again...
Okay everyone - we're headed off to the NMRA Convention and the National Train Show next week.
As normal, we're going to try to do interviews with vendors (and videos of the layouts as well).
So - who would you like to see us interview, and what would you like us to ask them.
Please keep the controversy to a minimum - I learned better than to ask questions that annoy advertisers...:-)
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