
Hobby Shops in Portland, OR
I'll be in Portland, OR for a few days next week attending the National GTO Convention (my other hobby). I would also like to visit a RR hobby shop or two. I don't need anything special other than some Polly Scale paint and Floquil paint pens. Could anyone recommend model railroad shops in Portland or the surrounding area that have a good selection of paint and other stuff?

Blog Facelift
The MRH blog option is nice because true to their motto it's forever free. But if you have a domain name and a host it is really hard to beat WordPress for functionality. I gave my blog site a much needed facelift today. As easy as installing a new theme and a little tinkering with it to get a brand new look for the home of the LK&O Railroad.

What Keeps You From Actually Starting A Layout?
Ok, I know why I haven't started building a layout yet, but I would like to know from those others out there who are part of the hobby, but haven't started working on their own layout, why not.

The best train shop in the South!
[First & foremost, I am not affiliated with Trainmasters nor did they ask me to do this posting. It's just such a great place I wanted to share my experience.]

Easy Model Railroad Inventory How to Design a Complicated Query
I had completed my timetable and was selecting the cars for each train. Selecting the cars is simple.
Click the Add button to the right of the Assigned Cars tab to view a list of all of the cars that fit the requirements.
Before a car will be displayed for selection it must meet very specific criteria.
1. Service type not a locomotive,
2. The car cannot be assigned to another train,

Help with Pittsburgh area information
I'm looking for information about hobby shops and model railroad clubs in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. My wife and I along with another couple are going to Pittsburgh in early July to see the Cubs play the Pirates (yes we're Cubs fans - please pray for us) and to chow down on a Primonte (sp?) sandwich. Since we'll be there for a couple of days and all of us are modelers, any help you could give me on clubs to contact and good railroad hobby shops to visit would be greatly appreciated.

Local fellow modelers
Hello all,
Just wanted to know if there were any fellow modelers in the Hialeah/Miami Lakes, Fl area?
A modeler's instructions for life
Found this a LONG time ago at rec.models.scale:
A modeler's instructions for life
Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

Easy Model Railroad Inventory How: Operations #1
I have had some requests to include a how to about the operations functions of Easy Model Railroad Inventory. I will be quite honest; I started out developing an inventory program to be used for insurance purposes. You’ll notice the word operation does not appear in the program name. The title is Easy Model Railroad Inventory. Some of you, I have noticed, like to refer to it as EMRI, which I actually find flattering, though I have not gotten used to it yet.

Starting a new club
I'm not sure if I got this in the proper Forum so if not please feel free to either delete it or move it to the proper area of the forum.
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