DCC - Electrical

Electrofrogs and Hex Frog Juicers


I'm about to start wiring a bunch of Peco Electrofrog turnouts for my layout and am thinking about using a Tam Valley Hex Frog Juicer. According to the Tam Valley Hex Frog Juicer manual PDF on their website it states:

"Do not modify your electrofrog - just wire the frog juicer to the frogs (silver wires on bottom of turnout) as they come. The frog juicer will take care of the rest."

Warflight's picture

Bachmann John Bull

Has anyone ever taken apart a Bachmann John Bull tender? (the tender has the motor in it)

I'm wondering if there is room inside for a Digitrax N scale sound decoder... I figure the speaker could be mounted on the back of the tender, if the decoder can be hidden inside.

Maybe, if that isn't an option, there's a way to mount the decoder on top, and disguise it, but disguise it as what? Maybe something covered with a tarp? (medical tape, painted, makes the perfect HO scale burlap tarp... "Long May the Burlap Wave", and all that)

Changing Major Directions from my Current Layout to a New One

I started a blog in 2017 to document the creation of my Z scale Alpine layout (all Marklin locos and rolling stock with mixed products for just about everything else). You can see my posts at the end of this page.

I went with Z scale because I wanted to make the most of a layout in a limited space and I had bought some Marklin Z rolling stock, locos and track many years ago for "the day" I would start a layout. 

Will_Annand's picture

How much of a layout can a DCC++ system handle?

I have a question for the group.

I have a 176 sq ft layout with approximately 225' of track and will have about 16 DCC equipped locomotives running on the layout.

I am about to assemble a DCC++ system following Gregg Berman's YouTube Videos.

My question is, would I need a booster with the system?

Feeder Placement?

Hi all,

I'm considering soldering my track feeders to the bottom of my track. I will be soldering on the workbench and taking the track to the layout for installation, is there any opinions or issues about using the base of the rail for the feeder placement?




Failed PS515 - new power supply recommendations needed


NCE PH-Pro system, 3 PSX breakers feeding staging, and two parts of the main layout.  During the past year, at a point in my operating sessions, the PH-Pro booster shuts down on overload (no short, no PSX action - all set at default 3.8A trip).  Thought it was my booster (it is 19 years old).  Bought a new PB-105.  Same problem - this time I borrowed a RRAmpMeter and verified it was consistently shutting down with about 2.1A load.  After this happened to my new booster also, I investigated the power supply.

eastwind's picture

1157 bulbs for short protection

I was reading info on use of incandescent bulbs in short detection and found a thread in an old MRH issue that was very helpful. Then I went poking around on the net for sources for the bulbs and ended up finding another option, and posted it to the thread I'd been reading. I thought I was just resurrecting an old thread that would pop up here, but no. So here's a link to that old thread and then my post from the end of it:

DougL's picture

Converting brass locos to DCC part 01, Compromises

Note:  This single blog post has been edited and split into several posts.   I made too many posts under one title and it became hard to follow.  I don't post often and just figured out how to properly maintain a blog.

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